Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tips from Sicily's most knowledgeable peeps

We may know a great deal about Sicily, but the truth is, there's simply so much to explore and see. Luckily, we have many tips from our friends who have been living here and want to spread their great ideas.

Tip #1: Go to Nouvelle Beaute in Motta for a great massage and waxing. but skip the mani/pedi. (Kristen)

Tip #2: Get into your car and head out to a little town you find on a map. Stop in a bar, walk around, and get a granita in one of the tiny green-grocers. Our favorite towns include: Centuripe, Mineo, Belpasso, Regalbuto, Agria, or downtown Paterno. (Blaine)

Tip #3: Try L'Orso Scuro in Trescastagni for steak (Tania)

Tip #4: Take strollers with big wheels to cities with cobblestones...which are most of them. (Nikki)

Tip # 5: Try Mammut. Great food and fun drinks. (Heather)

Tip #6: Villa Igiea is a charming hotel in Palermo. A little on the more expensive side, but lots of old world charm, courteous service, and an amazing view from the pool. (Diann)

Tip #7: A must see in Italy: Cinque Terre. Beautiful! (Amy)

Tip #8: Look into apartment rentals--esp. in Rome and Florence. These are 2 great hotesl with family rooms. One is near Salzburg but in Germany: Hotel Gablerhof.One is in Munich: Hotel Laimer hof (Anne)

Tip #9: Caltagirone rocks! (Clare)

Tip #10: The best pottery and ceramic deals are at Scordia Markets on Fridays. I bought plates for 1 euro each and a huge bunch bowl for 5 euro. (Lisa)

Tip #11: Trattoria Kalliope is a great restaurant in Siracusa. (Carrie)

Tip #12: Favorite Restaurant: Buongustaio in Motta. Via V. Emanuele, 192 - Motta Sant'Anastasia. Tel. 095 308066 (Becky)

Tip #13: Stay in Sciacca. La Lampara restaurant is excellent down on the wharf. Also, if you have children, invest time/money into buying books about your destination. Your children will be more engaged and you can revisit the books over and over again. Art books in particular. (Charlotte)

Tip #14: For the best cookies, try a biscottteria called Culosi Gisella. Via Stazione Motta, Tel. 095309245. She's open early or late afternoon so go when you wake up or after riposo.(Nadia)

Tip #15: This is a fabulous spa in Nicolosi with a good Italian restaurant attached. They have great packages in case you want to throw in a relaxing bath or facial with your massage. http://www.hotel-biancaneve.com/ (Rebekah)


  1. I thought of two Sicily tips to share! An amazing restaurant, worth the windy drive:
    Eyexei in Morgantina- www.ristoranteeyexei.com

    And to recommend my favorite festival, Ottobrata, in the town of Zafferana: www.ottobratazafferanese.net/

    Wishing you much success with your book, ladies!

  2. Thanks Amy! We can't wait to try the restaurant!
