Looking for a gorgeous lava table? Bistro table? Coffee Table? Bench? Dining room table? Check out
Tania Mazzaglia's work in Nicolosi. In 2007, she appeared in a
New York Times article discussing her style and vision.
"Lava is the expression of where I was born and brought up, regardless of how it is decorated," she said. "I don't feel the need to cover it with traditional borders of fruit. I often get the stonecutters to leave the crude saw surface, or to bush hammer it so that it remains slightly rough. Like that the color is a more enticing shade of gray, which I integrate with the applied majolica decoration. It makes for an interesting interplay of texture and visual design....
Mazzaglia's creative versatility is evident at
Dolce Vita, an irresistible pastry shop and wine bar in Nicosia. The bar she designed is made with blocks of dark, rough-hewn lava stone topped with colorful glazed fragments, while the lava stone tables feature a deep-red foliar motif created like a stencil on an off-white base."
Here are some pictures of her work. Here's our friend's gorgeous kitchen table that has left Sicily and is now sittin' pretty in San Diego. Also, here's a beautiful mural displaying Tania's work.
Hey, this is great info...the lava tables are so beautiful. You are giving me some ideas for upcoming trips and shopping ideas. Just wondering about getting such a lava table home??? Thanks so much for sharing.